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Sunday, 21 August 2011
I got some multi vitamins from the local health shop body wise in nelson Omnium which are really good multi before my surgery and before i started chemo to build up my immune system. these worked really well.
tips that may help
Ask your surgeon what and how big your scar will be, for me i didn't ask and i got quite a shock when i saw my scar for the first time.
Having someone staying with you at the hospital. After your surgery
I learnt really fast after my op that it was a good idea to sit in the shower because i would over heat and nearly pass out.
I also learned that with having drains in that its not a good idea to get them hooked on anything.
I learned that when you lie down or sit up the fluid by your scar moves around it is not a bad thing unless it get really tight.
Also massaging your scar helps to soften it and this is good for if you were going to have reconstruction. not straight away but once it is heeled.
Make sure you have a spare drain at your house and have someone show you how to change it so you don't have to go up to A & E to get it changed if it stops working.
( although a trip to A & E can be a bit exciting)
Treat it as a holiday it as a holiday recover slowly it is OK to ask and accept help.
make sure you do your exercises from the physio.
Use your district nurse who comes to your house and don't be afraid to ask questions.
Also since surgery i always have disinfectant with me at all times one in my bag one in my car just to make sure if i cut my hand or arm that i had surgery on i was always going to be safe from infection.
It has been nearly 7 months since my surgery i know that if i have a really busy day or if i lift to much i still get a bit sore. using a hot water bottle or wheat bag or having a soak in the bath can help with the aces and pains.
When getting a fitting for your permanent prosthesis(or chicken fillet)
take a few tops some tight some lose so you can try them on to see how they look
take someone with you if you can.
try to go for the lighter one so that you have the same weight on both sides you don't want to be straining.
When getting used to wearing your new bra and chicken fillet i wore mine for a few hours at at time to start with and built it up to where i could where it for a full day.
sometimes it got a bit irritated wearing a singlet or Cammie under your bra helped a lot with this.
Ema :)
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