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Mum and i are going on a journey togeather of love, life, laughter, tears, cancer and crafts come join us on our journey

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

craft night take 2

Busy day getting meeting with surgeon today everything is going well yay, and getting ready for craft night today i made Russian fudge. Then made choc chip cookies for the boys and some to give to Baydon (my 18 year old brother who has just moved out flatting the one who is daddy to beautiful Amieka)  to top up his flat food, and made choc cupcakes for chemo tomorrow. 
 Our seccond craft night went well lots of yummy food and two new people this week. so we may need to look at getting a hall if we keep getting popular lol. more knitting, crochet and card making and lots of talking. about life and lots of exciting things music playing quietly in the background snuggled up with the heat pump going. great chats and great company.
Exciting times for us over the next few days we have been given a knitting machine and my step dad is away up north for a around 5 days  And its Williams 11th birthday this weekend so he gets a birthday weekend. And i will be down to my 7th chemo to go  tomorrow yay nearly on one hand count down.  :) So were gonna get the knitting machine out and have a big play with it and get all our knitting and crochet and crafts and leave it all out  should be a laugh I think mum can read the instruction manual and put it all together then show me what to do so i get to do the fun stuff  hehe. Hopefully we can work it out between us.
Had an interesting time at the supermarket to day i always seem to get unhelpful people or people in a bad move serving me. I got served by a lady around my mums age.I brought $57.80 worth of food i wanted to pay $27.00 of my eftpos card and $30.80 in cash and i gave her $40.80 cash so change was $10.00 not to  hard to understand. well i didn't think so. I told the lady what i wanted to do and she said " i don't understand what you are trying to say" ( i speak english she speaks english i dont know why she found it so hard to understand) so i explain again and she said i don't understand the words you are saying so after around 10 minutes of trying to explain to her finally we get there and then she said "right now i have to work out how much change to give you " really?  so i said $10.00. and after i finally got it sorted and felt like a dick she said again i just didn't understand the words you were saying to me. i walked away shaking my head and the lady serving me started taking the piss about me to the next lady in the line (who had been snickering at the check out lady as i was getting served) so rude. So i was telling the girls tonight and they had some great ideas of things i need to do next time. I should of said something then and there but i guess i was kind of in shock.
Go back to the same supermarket and find the same lady in her check out
1.  should of started talking in Chinese
2. go in with a jar of coins and go to here check out and pay with 10c, 20c and 50c and while waiting in line if another check out opens say no I'm fine i want her.
3. Play the cancer card pull my hat off and tell her i have cancer
4. pay the same way next time but right each word on a card and hold it up one by one so she can read it and see if she can understand
5. hand her a note with instructions written down
I'm am sure there is so many more things i could do but these seem pretty funny. Really all you can do is laugh when it cant be that hard to type some numbers into a computer and it tells you what to do any way. at least its entertaining and something different in your day.
Ema :)

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