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Mum and i are going on a journey togeather of love, life, laughter, tears, cancer and crafts come join us on our journey

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Whirling times

My beautiful daughter is so bent on being normal {whatever that is} and is trying so hard to fill her days, but I see the tiredness  and the strain, the chemical overload of this year, and I watch as it is all starting to catch up. We both can see the light at the end of the tunnel, the sessions of chemo are coming to an end, 4 to go, but even though this round is so much easier for her to take its on going effects I see compounding, and wearing her down. This has been such a year of so many emotions, anger,and hardship and so many days I want to whisk her away to where life has no pain to watch her, be that carefree little girl that use to sit on the letterbox at the beach and sing her heart out,  but instead we have had this year, and yes I know things happen for a reason, we dont always know why or have the answers and we must use what life throws at us to grow and learn and change, it just is not that easy. So my friends I ask again send love and strenght for these next few months and we will pull this courageous, beautiful girl through this.
Love Dee xx

Friday, 29 July 2011

center of New Zealand

Was quite tired today so sent dad and William up to walk up to the center off N.Z while i sat at the bottom and waited.came home and made cheese scones then spent the afternoon watching a movie and making some gloves. hopefully i will sleep well tonight. keeping busy is good but i need to remember that its OK to have quiet days and not ware myself out so much.
Ema :)

Thursday, 28 July 2011

A day out at Mapua, Ruby Bay and Motueka

a day of chasing seagulls, crab hunting throwing stones walking on ruby bay. and between Ruby bay and Mot people have been writing there names with rocks along the side of the road i had always wanted to do this so we stopped and wrote Posa it's not as easy as it looks it took a wee while as you need big rocks not small and we had nothing to hold them in so we had many of trips back and forth to get rocks. and we could only just see it from the road but it was good fun doing it. Especially when my shoe got stuck and my foot went in the mud!
Ema :)

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

and another one bites the dust

again ignore my voice in the back ground  i sound like a nob.

my 2nd day at the snow

i took my dad and William up to the snow there wasn't much there but we did find some ice this is about the 10th video we took so by this time i was crying with laughter it is my loud voice you can here in the background. and bring back the running man !!!!!!! love you dad thanks for making me laugh so much xx xx
Ema :)

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Father daughter bonding time

Isnt this cute, Daddy online, daughter online, step Dad on phone!


 My dad arrived yesterday to stay with us for a week. we decided we would go on a family outing. We picked up Rhy and packed a picnic and headed out to Wakefield. But as we headed out there it got colder and colder and started raining so by the time we got there brrrrrr.
But we still managed to get out the boys including my dad went on the flying fox, kicked the ball around and played Frisbee. Then we hoped in the car  to warm up and went on a wee tickey tour.

 my dad on the flying fox
For some reason my little brother William has been calling his dad Mark (his name is Mike or Dad but William has been calling him Mark for months) and then William decided that he would call my dad (Steve) Bill. So then everyone had to have a name change. my name was Egg mums was Nigel. Williams was Jennifer and Rhylei's name was Rachael. it is the small things that amuse our family it doesn't take much but we all found it quite funny.
Oh and did i tell you that my dad who was married to my mums is staying with us yep that's staying with me my mums and step dad. anywhere else this could be a weird situation but i am quite lucky everyone has always got along.
Ema :)

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Long time no post, not really sure why just caught up with life, school holidays so the boys are home more, and time just passed so quickly with not alot doing. Craft night was great as usual, so nice to catch up with friends and talk eat and craft late into the night. Chemo went well and it was lovely and not lovely to see two of our friends back. Such a hard thing to say goodbye to friends that you see each week, but fantastic that they no longer need to be there, then sometimes life lets them know its not quite over yet and back they come.
Off to the market again tomorrow to see how we do. Ems Dad is down for the week, which is fantastic for her and give her abit of change to her day. Hes said hes getting up with us at 5 45 in the morning to help get ready and head to town, but we shell see how he feels when the cold air hits him.
Havent been able to catch up with our baby this week as both Talia and Amieka have been unwell, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that next week will bring no ills.
Well must away few more baby gloves to make before tomorrow.
Love Dee xx

Monday, 18 July 2011

my first roast

 Well i made my first roast ever on Saturday night. This was a big deal for me as i am a vegetarian and i was a big brave girl and went to the butcher and got him to cut me a big piece of lamb. and after a day at the snow i came home and had some wine and cooked the roast with lots of yummy roast veggies mint sauce and garlic bread. (One thing i find funny is why when you have a dinner with people around do males like to sit in front of the TV? I had some music on and was chatting and then what do you know the TV gets turned on. How rude) :)  Then for dessert we had home made cheese cake yum!  Everyone said that it was yummy but i did tell them before they ate it they had to say it was good so ill never really know. But everyone ate it so I'm guessing it wasn't to bad.
After dinner we went down to the back beach to let off some fireworks. We crossed a small stream and went down the beach a bit so we were away from the car park. Little did we know that by the time we were finished the tide was coming in fast and the small stream we crossed was now getting deeper and wider. So we had to go for a walk to find a Skinner part of the stream to cross.

 We wen to the beach on Sunday and Rhylei made me a heart seat so i could sit down at the beach and not get to sandy so cute :) Bellow is Tahunanui Beach where in winter you get to drive past this every day with the snow and mountains in the background. it still makes me go wow every time. All in all it was a great weekend full of adventure and good people Ema :)

Saturday, 16 July 2011

A day at the Snow !!!!!!

 driving up to the snow William and Rhylei getting excited!!!!!

 wipe out and wet backside

And then just when its time to go home some one says dont worry its only snow we wont get stuck and then we do

lucky we got some help and managed to get out . was a good day  Ema :)

night out for Q youth

Mums and me

mums and Jane
was a good night mums and i got dressed up picked up Jane and Jason had some wines and went out to the Q-Youth fundraiser. such amazing young talent wow. was a good night. :)