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Mum and i are going on a journey togeather of love, life, laughter, tears, cancer and crafts come join us on our journey

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Look good feel good

What an amazing thing. i got to go to this course the other day it was only for a few hour but very worth going. you leave with lots of new make up ideas and a bag full of make up, creams and potions. and its all for free. This course was made by a lady who had cancer many years ago. She felt so ugly after losing her hair and going through chemo she wouldn't leave the house or let anyone in. Then someone came and did a make over on her and she felt great and she wanted to have all woman going through any kind of cancer to have this. so she got together with all the people she could find put on a ball and managed to raise 6million dollars and it's been running ever since.

I arrived at the course feeling a bit anxious as you do when you are going to something new by yourself and all the volunteer's were lovely i had my own make up artist who gave me a make over giving me all the tips, And all the make up that was used on me on the day the moisturiser and cleanser and toner i got to take home. From Estée Lauder, Clinique, Revlon and much more very cool products.

I recommend every one who is going through any kind of cancer to do this course. You arrive with no make up people with their hats or wigs on and feeling very self conscious sitting in front of a mirror. Then by the end of it ou look around the room and everyone is glowing and looking beautiful and they are all smiling and can't stop looking in the mirror. Very recommended.


Look Good Feeel Better

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